Tuesday, July 15, 2008

wiked wiki

#8 on the list of Gail Borden Learns - Wiki's. Overhearing a conversation, my granddaughter asked if I meant Wooki. I told her, no, wiki - like Wikipedia. She then asked if that was like an encyclopedia. Smartypants! (runs in the family)

So I did my wiki thing and added a book (The Lincolns: Portrait of a Marriage by Daniel Mark Epstein, 2008) to the Tapestry of Freedom wiki and visited a few suggested wikis. Library Success began with a warning update: because of vandalism, email comfirmation is now required - cannot add or edit until you register - then you will be sent a link to confirm your address - a loose translation of their actual verbage. This is the biggest "con" of wikis. You have a nice thing going and the general public steps in and watch out.....giraffes are native to Venezuela....Justin Timberlake is an ordained priest....you can only contract polio in Ohio. Hey, this is fun! Wikis do provide another avenue of information - if you can trust the information you are getting. And involving the public in our library wiki is a plus as well.

So will I use wikis? Probably not. There are just so many information websites that I can visit and find what I need to know and rely on for their accuracy. And would I ever be tempted to alter a site with fraudulent information? No. But I did miss my chance to make up my own "story of freedom" which might have become a best seller.

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