Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My musicians!

My musicians!
Originally uploaded by kgregoline

Well, photo sharing is a little more complicated than the last few GB Learns tasks.....certainly took more than 15 minutes. But you can't argue with success since here it is! You may see more photos of Nora as time goes by. She is a cutie and smart - reading already - and always has a plan of action for her day. She is currently taking violin lessons and karate classes. That sums Nora up - she has many interests and talents. Yep, this is a purely Grandma type post. My sisters are Grandmas too and we all agree having grandkids is a whole new ballgame. Is it an appreciation of how fast time passed with our own children? When Nora spends the week-end with us, she sleeps with me and Grandpa uses the guest room. Almost every time she has awakened in the night and we talk sometimes for an hour before she drifts off to sleep again. Last time we talked about friendship - in her little lifetime she already knows what makes a good friend and how to be one. We've discussed God and death and super heroes. I've learned a lot.

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